Falklands Conservation and a team of international project partners have recently published the Technical Report for a Darwin Plus funded project (DPLUS082) on sei whales and southern right whales in the Falkland Islands. Edited by Caroline, the citation for the report is:
Weir, C.R. (ed.) (2022). Conserving Falklands’ whale populations: addressing data deficiencies for informed management. Technical Report for DPLUS082. Falklands Conservation, Stanley, Falkland Islands. Version 2, 30 Oct 2022. 231 pp.
The report contains the following chapters outlining the various research components carried out on the two whale species:
Chapter 1. Introduction. Weir, C.R.
Chapter 2. Whale distribution during small boat surveys. Weir, C.R.
Chapter 3. Photo-identification. Weir, C.R.
Chapter 4. Diet of sei and southern right whales. Jackson, J.A., Stowasser, G. and Weir, C.R.
Chapter 5. Genetics. Jackson, J.A., Buss, D.L., Carroll, E.L. and Weir, C.R.
Chapter 6. Suction cup tagging. Segre, P.S. and Weir, C.R.
Chapter 7. Passive Acoustic Monitoring. Cerchio, S., Stanworth, A. and Weir, C.R.